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What A Functional Medicine Detox Looks Like!

Continuing on with our discussion about detoxes, here is a short clip highlighting what patients can expect from a functional medicine detox. Please keep in mind that everyone is different and can expect to see different results but this is a good indication of what your body will experience. If you have not done so, […]

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What You Need To Know About A Detox Before You Start!

How often do you hear someone say they’re on a ‘detox’ or ‘cleanse’? It seems to be a hot topic these days and I hear it all the time from my patients. Often what they’re referring to is something along the lines of lemon water, fasting, and/or juicing. Detoxification is the physiological or medicinal removal […]

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The Truth Behind Detoxification!

I get a lot of questions on detoxification programs and whether they are helpful. I think it’s important to realize that our bodies are continuously detoxing as a natural function. It is a continuous physiologic process that the body depends on for survival. However, the detox process can become less efficient when the necessary mechanisms […]

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What You Need to Know About Your Metabolic System!

Imagine you could know just how well your body worked to create energy? That would be quite valuable information, wouldn’t you agree?! I bet that knowledge alone would kick start you to make changes in your diet and lifestyle accordingly. You know you need to work out and eat healthy. Everyone knows that but abstract […]

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Feeling the Burn?! Stop it Now!

One of the most common reasons for seeing a doctor is for complaints relating to the digestive tract.  There are many symptoms that can point to the digestive tract as the potential source of problems.  Various symptoms can range from gas, bloating, pain, burning, and/or uncomfortable fullness after a meal.  The digestive tract MUST function […]

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