Essential fatty acids are something we hear about all the time and I’ve written about before. However, I find that many people are still unsure about their role in our health so I thought I’d quickly answer some questions I’ve received. I don’t mean to go on and on about essential fatty acids but I […]
We are brought up in a society that has led us to believe that a clean house is one that smells of lemons and pine cones and vanilla and cinnamon. Preferably, all at once if possible! Truth be told, we have come to demand the really artificial, potently strong smell of these air fresheners and […]
It seems I was onto something with the last recipe I posted! I’ve had a few requests for another dessert-style recipe. This is another really easy and healthy alternative for those who have a sweet tooth like my wife! 1 Tbs. finely grated lemon zest 1/4 Cup fresh lemon juice (from 1 – 2 lemons) […]
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I got to spend mine with friends and family, which is always a good time. I’ve been receiving some great feedback from readers and I’d like to address some of your questions in this post. The questions I get asked most often are for recommendations for products that I […]
If you want to get the most out of your workouts, work out first thing in the morning! I know the nice thing to say is that you should just work out when you can fit it in and that’s fine as well. However, if you’re looking to truly optimize your workout, do it in […]