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Buckwheat Porridge!

Buckwheat Porridge!

I promised a patient of mine that I would post a breakfast recipe that is high in protein and doesn’t include eggs. So, here it is! This dish is made from buckwheat, which is gluten-free and high in protein.

    • 1/2 Cup buckwheat, soaked
    • 1 Tbsp chia seeds
    • 2 Tbsp maple syrup
    • Coconut milk or water, amount varies
    • 1 apple, chopped into large pieces
    • 2 dates
    • cinnamon and nutmeg to taste
  1. Soak the buckwheat overnight. You may have to rinse away the residue that has gathered. When buckwheat is sprouted it becomes even more nutritious.
  2. Grind the buckwheat  and chia seeds in a blender, adding water or coconut milk until you have the right porridge-like consistency.
  3. Add both the dates and the apple to the buckwheat. Blend.
  4. Add the maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg. Blend.
  5. Top with extra cinnamon, walnuts, and berries if you like.

A lot of people mistakenly believe that buckwheat is a cereal grain but in actuality, it’s a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel. It is a great source of manganese as well as magnesium and dietary fiber. It also contains two flavonoids (rutin and quercitin) that protect against disease by extending the action of vitamin C and act as antioxidants. Furthermore, the protein in buckwheat is a very high quality protein that contains all eight essential amino acids, including lysine.

Diets that contain buckwheat have been linked to lowered risk of developing high cholesterol and high blood pressure. The nutrients in buckwheat may also contribute to blood sugar control.

This is a great breakfast choice that will satisfy your hunger, keep you feeling full for longer, and is very nutritious. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

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