One of the most common reasons for seeing a doctor is for complaints relating to the digestive tract. There are many symptoms that can point to the digestive tract as the potential source of problems. Various symptoms can range from gas, bloating, pain, burning, and/or uncomfortable fullness after a meal. The digestive tract MUST function […]
Breast cancer is at highly scary levels in North America yet people that live in Asia have a very low incidence of this disease. However, studies indicate that if an Asian woman moves to North America and adopts the American diet and lifestyle, her risk wil match that of an American woman’s within one generation. Stop and […]
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! It’s a new beginning and now is the time to make those changes you’ve been putting off for way too long. I encourage everyone to live healthier this year – eating right, exercising more, getting enough sleep, and optimizing this life you’ve been blessed with. So for the […]
It’s that time of year again. And no, I don’t mean Christmas. I mean that dreaded cold and flu season that is sure to strike someone in your household (if not every single one of you). At the very first hint of a cold or flu onset, I recommend the following supplements: Zinc! This is a […]
I get so many patients coming in to see me that want to eat healthier and want to choose organic products but are confused about the whole process! It’s not really surprising though – shady marketing tricks and sketchy labelling practices have made choosing the right foods to be the most challenging task out there! I’m going […]