Many of my patients often come in complaining of similar symptoms and I would be willing to bet that you or someone you know may suffer from them, too.
Let’s take a quick poll to determine whether I’m on to something.
Would you check YES to any of the following symptoms?
Yes to one or more of these symptoms? Then this post will be of benefit to you!
Inflammation is something that is common to every chronic disease. The fact that chronic diseases are skyrocketing indicates that inflammation is also widespread. Unfortunately, the two often go hand in hand.
Wondering where I’m going with this? Well, hang tight because I’m about to explain how it’s related to the aforementioned symptoms.
One subset of chronic disease that are particularly on the rise are brain related disorders. Disorders that cause poor memory, mood swings, depression, anxiety, and so much more. And unsurprisingly, these disorders are the victim of rampant inflammation!
These symptoms such as sleep issues, brain fog, and moodiness have become so common that we have come to accept them as a normal part of aging.
Wrong, wrong, wrong! These symptoms are not reflective of normal aging but rather, are signs of accelerated aging and suggest a serious problem.
In most cases, one can trace the demise of brain health to our modern lifestyle which often consists of high carbohydrate diets, processed foods loaded with neurotoxins, “bad” fats, digestive problems, chronic stress, and lack of sleep.
It is an exhaustive list but what I’d like to touch in this post is one diet related cause in particular and that is an Essential Fatty Acid deficiency.
Fatty acids are crucial to our diet because they fight inflammation in the body! Fighting inflammation is the key to slowing down or even eliminating the onset of chronic disease and the demise of brain health!
Essential fatty acids are fats that must be obtained from our diet because our body just does not have the ability to make them on its own. Meaning you have to either obtain them from your diet or in the form of supplements or both.
These fats are critical for healthy brain function and are required for various functions:
Approximately 60% of the brain is made up of fat and every cell in the body has a membrane composed of fat. I hope I am making myself very clear when I say that fats are very, very, very important!
The crucial thing to remember is that the type of fat you eat directly affects the composition of your brain and cells.
Three of the biggest culprits for a essential fatty acid deficiency are listed below:
I hope this helps you better understand the importance of fatty acids, the problems with a fatty acid deficiency, and some of causes of this deficiency. Now that you know why this is so important, the question is, “what can you do about it?” Fortunately, the answer isn’t as difficult as you may think!
Here are some quick tips on how to increase fatty acids and help ensure that you are not deficient:
Making these changes can reverse an EFA deficiency and allow the fire of inflammation in chronic disease to be put out. This allows the appropriate fluids and nutrients to pass through the membrane and support the metabolic needs of the brain cells. This ultimately results in improved nervous system communication and leading to better brain function, memory, mood and health.
I hope this helps explain why essential fatty acids are so important to your diet. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Happy Eating!