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Fighting the Scary Odds of Breast Cancer!

Breast cancer is at highly scary levels in North America yet people that live in Asia have a very low incidence of this disease. However, studies indicate that if an Asian woman moves to North America and adopts the American diet and lifestyle, her risk wil match that of an American woman’s within one generation. Stop and […]

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Winter Season = Cold & Flu Season!

It’s that time of year again. And no, I don’t mean Christmas. I mean that dreaded cold and flu season that is sure to strike someone in your household (if not every single one of you). At the very first hint of a cold or flu onset, I recommend the following supplements: Zinc! This is a […]

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Ah, those Winter Blues!

So today was the first day this season that I actually saw some light snowflakes blowing around when I woke up. Needless to say, it wasn’t exactly a welcome sight. I can completely understand how these cold and dreary days can bring one’s mood down – myself included. Fortunately, there are a number of techniques you can employ […]

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