I was given this recipe to me by a great patient a few months ago and have been meaning to post it for a while now. It’s such an easy and delicious recipe that I have to share it!

- 2 cups walnuts
- 2 stalks celery
- 1 large red bell pepper
- 1 large scallion
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
- Combine all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
Yes, it really is that simple! It can be served on a plate as it is, over a salad, rolled up in a lettuce leaf, or spread on crackers.
Now, just a bit of information on what this simple recipe entails!
- Walnuts have an abundance of nutritional benefits. In fact, the type of vitamin E found in them is quite unique and especially beneficial. Walnuts contain a very high level of vitamin E in the form of gamma-tocopherol (as opposed to the more common alpha-tocopherol form) and this particular form provides significant protection against heart disease. They are also an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fats. Walnuts have been found to help decrease LDL cholesterol, decrease total cholesterol, and chronic inflammation. They are linked to a reduction in symptoms associated with Metabolic Syndrome, which can be identified in 1 of every 4 adults. You can’t really go wrong with these nuts so get cracking!
- Celery is an excellent source of vitamin C and therefore, great for a healthy immune system. It is also highly alkalizing, which is great for equalizing the pH in the body. Celery contains eight different families of cancer-fighting compounds and a recent study found that a number of these compounds help prevent cancer cells from spreading. The acetylenics in celery have been shown to stop the growth of tumours and the phonolic acids in celery block the action of prostaglandins (hormone like substances) which encourage the growth of tumour cells. The coumarins in celery help prevent free radicals from damaging cells. It is also known to help lower blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol. It is a
- Bell peppers are packed with vitamin A and C, folate, and vitamin B6. Thee antioxidants in bell peppers have been shown to neutralize free radicals and thus reduce the risk heart disease, various cancers, and cataracts. The vitamin B6 is also a natural diuretic and bell peppers can help reduce bloating as well as providing a reduction in hypertension. They are also considered a fat burning food since they have a fiber content of 10% and this essentially means your body has to work hard to digest it. Bell peppers are a great source of beta-carotene which helps to reduce swelling in the arteries that can potentially lead to heart disease, diabetes, and cholesterol. They have also been linked to a reduction in the symptoms of arthritis and asthma.
This is a quick, healthy, and easy recipe that is perfect for the warm days ahead. It is also a great way to get more raw vegetables into your diet. Go ahead and try it out!